Jun 07, 2014 21:53
Well, I admit I haven't been on LJ for a while, but goodness, what a change to the layout!
I have finished my assessments for my first semester of my Diploma of Theology. I adored learning about things like the Documentary Hypothesis, and about the Greco-Roman context of the early Christian church. I have now written exegetical papers on parts of Genesis and Corinthians, and a thematic essay on the suffering saviour in Mark's Gospel. I can feel how far I have come over this semester.
In so far as my Christian life in practise, my role as the youth minister is going very well in some parts, and improving in others. Between the two Sunday Schools I run, there are 9 children. That would be even more wonderful if they attended consistently - one week there's one child, the next week it's a different one. Could be more fun if they would come all together every now and then. Would certainly make me feel more useful (and goodness, do I like feeling useful).
I have put the youth group on a break since our 3 attendees were not turning up due to exams, so we'll get back on that in a couple of weeks. In the mean time I have an opportunity to get out a bit more promotion and rethink the strategy a bit.
Young Adults though warms my heart. Every Friday night I sit on the floor of the church, singing the songs of Taize, and I realise... this is so much like three years ago, when I would light a candle, put on a Taize cd, and kneel on the floor alone in my room and pray my heart out in Taize chant. I would pour into those songs all the despair and loneliness I was riddled with. I would draw near to God with those words.
These days when I pour the words to those chants out, into the dim church, I thank God with all my heart that now I have sitting around me five others. A small group we may be, but not alone, none of us alone. From praying alone in an empty house, to praying with five others every single Friday evening... It is such a blessing. I can see how my life has changed. It is meaningful now.
Last night after prayer we played BibleOpoly, which I bought for a bit of fun. There is the expectation that church groups are going to be super-religious, so I like to oblige where I can. ;)
Next weekend, Sir Chap and I will be in New Zealand for the wedding of another couple who, like us, met in Taize. I was really heartened though, when I told the Young Adults group that we would be away, so they could miss next week if they wanted, or carry on without us, they were all eager to meet anyway, even though there will be no Taize prayer organised. It is alive, this group. I do not have to carry it. It is such a wonderful feeling to see something I thought up, and I worked to establish, now sustaining itself.
youth ministry