Response to Formation Notes 7
Reflect prayerfully on
these quotations from our tradition. What do they say to you about St Francis
and prayer?
Read again the section
on Prayer in the Rule of the Third Order and the stories at the beginning of
this study. Re-read what you wrote in
preparation for this study.
In light of the above,
re-write your
Read more... )
God bless!!
The reason for my prolonged absence, interestingly, was that I had a housemate. It is interesting that that took me from live journal, but I guess I was limited in some ways - when I was home, there was someone there who wanted to talk with me, watch movies with me, have dinner with me - and I am home so little as it is. I have been making notes of things I want to share on LJ, and I bookmarked your entries from your trip to Thailand (I still don't know all that happened there!) and so those pages have been constantly open on my firefox for so long, reminding me that I am yet to read them.
Things have definitely shifted. I am now so grateful to have my space back, whereas before I found the lonliness so oppressive. So, yes, I am ok. :) Busy, but better than ever.
I am glad to be back though. I missed you too. I am thrilled that you were around this evening when I posted. And it is so wonderful to find out what is happening for you, dear nun_sense. <3
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