Jul 04, 2009 01:58
I forgot how much there is to do on the internet. I have been all over the interwebs since I got it fixed, and to be honest I have done nothing but surf the youtube and other less mentionable places. Some combination of the things I have seen cause me to ponder the inconveniences of me having fire based superpowers in a spooky pinewood forest at night deciphering bible clues.
On the side of things that matter, I am working on fixing my money problems, thank god this gypsy job will be paying soon. Getting a loan with my dad cosigning though isn't exactly working out. Mostly due to "relationship issues" he is having; although America, can you believe this fight that happened? I went down to Columbus Gay Pride, and as such I made a facebook status change stating that in an excited manner. Katie (Who is my friend on facebook for a completely different long story) saw my status and then needed to rant to my dad about the horrible lifestyle I am living. This ended up being a pretty big necessary fight, started because she found out form facebook that I was even going to Gay Pride. W.T.F. America? W.T.F.?
Anyway, I'm still trying to get to Japan, though the MCAT's things is starting to get closer so I need to switch my focus from Japanese to O-chem, physics, and bio.
Also, I still excited about the gypsy thing, my costume is finished and all I need is a mug, and a bottle, oh an couple tea bags. . .I have one at least.
Well spoot out of time, must be of to sleep. See you in later days.
Drifting on a cloud,
Sleeping is easier there.