Jan 18, 2007 16:47
so im back, yes im still around...work has been crazy 6 days a week for as long as i can remember now....body is starting to really feel it....blaaaaahhhh!
nothing has been really new...oh i met someone who may be able to help me out with an internship with CTV sports without and school for it, that would be incredible, so right now i just have to put together a cover letter and send that out and cross my fingers. damn that would be awesome, just to get a foot in the door you know! crossing my fingers for that!
uhh other then that...nothing...my lease is up in May, and depending on whether i get thin internship or not i may be moving to Gatineau to take Radio Broadcasting, not entirely sure yet though...i cant really afford to stay in Toronto so that is looking like the more sensible route...plus you can't go wrong with school.
anyways im out.