Never letting Bon Sejour full of PETA members ever again...

Aug 07, 2009 10:42

So last night at Bon Sejour was an...interesting event.

A large group of people had reserved the entire restraunt for the evening, which is rather rare thing to happen seeing as how it's expensive enough just for a small group of people reserving a table. Anyways, I wasn't too bothered by this, as this wouldn't be the first time the restraunt's been reserved for an evening.

I think it started when every order we received was vegetarian. Not even a speck of it could have traces of animals in it. Well, at first I thought that maybe this was some type of health group. If they were all vegetarians, that was cool with me. I knew plenty of recipes involving just vegetables.

And then it just got weird. They kept calling out the cooks for some reasons I can't quite remember. When they came back, they were either amused, confused, or angry even. Finally I myself was called out. I prepared myself for what they might do, as it obviously wasn't going to be praising. Our conversation went something like this.

Person #1: So, you are Francis Bonnefoy, the assistant head chef, right?
Me: That would be correct.
Person #1: So, we noted that the dishes here are very good...
Me: Thank you. We try our hardest.
Person #2: But we are curious. How many dishes with animals do you serve?
Me: Well, we offer a lot of dishes with animals as the main course...It really just depends what the person ordering wants. On an average, I say over half our meals have animals in them.
Person #1: Are you aware of where your animals come from, their living conditions?
Me: Well, yes. The head chef, and sometimes even I, personally inspect where all our ingredients come from.
Person #1: And the animals. Are their living conditions well?
Me: Last time I checked, yes...They were in chicken coops surrounded by a fence to keep them in, they receive top quality feed, and the have good shelter...
Person #2: And what about the execution?
Me: The what?
Person #2: When you kill the chickens or whatnot to be prepared.
Me: Oh, we don't handle that. I wouldn't know.
Person #2: So you simply don't care, is that it?
Me: Erm, well, no, not really...I mean, as long as they're well tended to and taste good...
Person #1: *starting to get angry* Oh, so you're an animal hater!
Me: *somewhat shocked* What? No! I love animals!
Person #2: *also getting angry* So then why don't you care for the chickens, huh!?
Me: Not particularly...As long as they satisfy your customers.
Person #1: It's all about the money, isn't it?
Person #2: You selfish pig!
Me: *starting to get confused and annoyed* Excuse me?
Person #2: You should be more considerate towards animals! They're not stupid, you know!
Me: No, of course not! I never said that!
Person #1: You might as well have!
Me: When?
Person #1: 'As long as they're well tended to and taste good'! That's what you said! And you admitted to not caring how the chickens are killed! monster!
Me: .......
Person #2: We demand that you change the menu!
Me: *thouroughly annoyed now* Fine. We can use you as the main course then.

Well, they had no answer to that, but I could tell they were angry, so I excused myself and left for the kitchens, where I was then confronted by Boss. Apparently Boss had been collecting stories from all the other cooks, so he wasn't there to witness my, ah, rude behavior towards the customers. He got mine (And I conveniently left out the part where I insulted them) and seemed to make a decision in his head. He headed out past the doors, and we all gathered to eavesdrop, not that there was any need to because he was rather loud.

He informed the entire group, which turns out were all PETA members, that they were to finish dinner and leave as soon as possible. They were not to linger as their "outlandish behavior" towards us cooks was uncalled for and that they were promptly banned from the restraunt after tonight.

Ah, Boss is so cool~

When we came back in, we all applauded him...only to be promptly told off and warned that if we didn't start cleaning up again this instant, our paychecks were to be docked. Ah, Boss can also be strict~

I do hope I never see those fellows again. They're quite annoying, and I suspect this isn't the first time they've caused trouble around town.

This is Francis, signing out~

peta, blog, bon sejour

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