Both of them were stolen from
ravenery Meme 1
1. Write down every letter of your name.
2. Then type a song that pops up in your mind in each letter of your name as the first letter.
3. Count the letters of your name, and tag that many people.
C -> Ca fait mal (It hurts) from Christophe Mae
A -> Angel from Sarah Mclachlan and Josh Groban
R -> Right here waiting from Richard Marx
O -> One from U2
L -> Love Story from Taylor Swift
I - > I'm yours from Jason Mraz
N -> No Frontier from The Coors. It's a duet between Sharon and Caroline Coors
E -> Ever dream From Nightwish.
Meme 2
Firstly: If you've been tagged, you must write your answers in your own LJ and replace any question that you dislike with a new, original question.
Secondly: Tag eight people. Don't refuse to do that. Don't tag who tagged you.
01. Make a list of 5 things you can see:
- My cellphone, some books, my bag, A photo from my father and brothers and my sister's nintendo DS
02. What's the weather like now?
Blue sky and sunny but the wind is cold
03. Recommend a movie.
The Lord of the Rings
04. What's your occupation?
Housewife, well housedaughhter to be exact and looking for a job.
05. Strawberries or chocolate?
Chocolate but I really like strawberries too
06. How do you feel right now?
Tired. Didn't sleep that well that night.
07. What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
08. What are you listening to right now?
Mozart's Requiem in D minor K626
09. What food could you eat every day for weeks and not get sick of?
Chocolate, cakes, mash potatoes....
10. Do you vote?
Yes but I need to understand before
11. What was the last thing you bought?
12. What was the cutest thing you've seen today?
My cat trying to catch a butterfly.
13. Does the weather affect your mood?
14. What is your zodiac sign?
15. Do you want to learn another language?
Well I want to improve my German which is kind of rusty and maybe Japanese
16. What's something you wish you had?
A new car, Him
17. Do you have any siblings?
Two younger brothers and a younger sister. Don't really get on well with Brother 1. No problem with brother 2 and it depends with little sister. She can be a real nuisance when she wants.
18. What's something you'd like to say to someone right now?
I don't love you in a friendly way I really do love you.
19. What are your looking forward to?
A job, a new car
20. Say something to the person who tagged you:
I've not been tagged....