No time to slow down. I got my website in today only 5 min late. I used (as
leatherwish put it) the Elephant Gun method of Web Design, meaning I made my pages in Photoshop, imported them into Dreamweaver, then strung them together with fishing line, some duct tape, and a little bit of HTML. Unfortunately unless I can find 500 or so megs of Web space it won't be going on-line any time soon. Video takes up so much space.
Now all I have to do is get my portfolio done and my Reel finished. Every moment I'm not working on these things I'm stressing over not doing them. I have to keep forcing myself to take breaks to eat. Friday at noon these are all due. Not sure if I'll be partying or collapsing when it's all over.
Correction: I'll be doing both. The question is, what order will I be doing them in?
Back to work.