boulder_girl has complained that I have not posted recently enough, and since I might actually have some stuff that some would consider 'post worthy', here goes.
My parents have decided to sell their house. This house that I have lived in since I was three. The one I still (despite my best efforts) reside in. The house of many fond memories of friends and party's, growing up and so on and so forth.
I may have mentioned it to some people already that they were thinking of doing this within the next 2 years, so it will not come as a surprise. What WILL come as a surprise to most is that they have decided to move the timetable up a bit. Like March or April. No not March or April next year, this March or April this year.
So I suddenly find myself in search of an apartment. More short notice then I would like, and since I'm at school and not working just now, money is going to be REALLY TIGHT. I also have hopes that Alia and I will be getting this apartment together, but due to many legitimate reasons that still seems to be up in the air.
Though I am looking forward to finally moving out, this has gotten me all rather depressed, so I went out and bought myself a new game. This has cheered me up so far, but I don't think that anything but securing a move date, and figuring out other such uncertain things will do the trick in the long run.
Meanwhile, anyone want to play