
Jan 24, 2015 12:44

Reid let himself into the house quietly. He turned on the light and looked around. Everything was the same as he left it early that morning.
Katie was away for a few days and Luke... well, Luke didn't want to spend the night yet. He was still 'adjusting', Reid made air quotes in his mind.
So, he was alone. And normally he was okay with that. But today, even though he hadn't celebrated in years, he'd still hoped somewhere deep down that Luke would do something. But he hadn't heard from Luke all day. No texts, no phone call, nothing. He felt stupid for hoping, scolded himself for letting himself be vulnarable only to get disappointed. Again.
And now it was close to nine thirty and Reid was tired.
"Well, congratu-fucking-lations to me, have a beer." He had only one minor surgery planned for the next day and it wasn't till late in the afternoon.

He grabbed a bottle from the fridge and sat down on the couch, flicking on the tv. After a few minutes, a knock on the door made him look up, brow furrowed in annoyance. He wasn't in the mood for anything anymore at this moment.
But when he got up and opened the door to a delicious looking Luke, holding up a cake and small but perfectly wrapped present, it was very much worth it.

"Happy birthday." Luke said, with a smile, looking at Reid through his eyelashes.

Reid stared at him for a few moments, taking in the fresh haircut, soft looking sweater and tight jeans, before clearing his throat. "Thanks."

"So... ," Luke peered into the living room, "can I come in?"

Reid stepped back and opened the door a little wider.

"Yeah, sure. I just wasn't expecting anyone anymore." He took the cake from Luke and placed it on the table.

"You thought I'd forget your birthday?" Luke asked incredulously.

Reid shrugged. "Yeah well, I hadn't heard from you all day, so... " He trailed off.
Then he gestured towards Luke. "But I see you've been busy today. With the new hair, and new clothes.. I think?"

Luke blushed. "Yeah, I wanted to..." He cut himself off, shaking his head. "No. Come on, let's eat some cake."
He darted towards the kitchen to get plates.
Reid followed him at a slower pace, intrigued by what Luke wanted to say. He watched Luke for a moment being busy with getting plates and cutting cake. He leaned in a little closer.
"Why are you nervous?"

Luke almost dropped the knife he was holding, startled by the question. "I'm.. I'm not nervous."

Reid, starting to get a little anxious himself,  stepped another bit closer and put his hand over Luke's. "Luke, what's going on?"

Luke seemed to calm down a little, letting out a sigh. He turned towards Reid and looped his arms around Reid's neck, pressing his face against Reid's.
Without even thinking about it, Reid's arms found their way around Luke's waist and he held him tight.

"I love you." Luke murmured against his neck. Reid's hand found it's way into Luke's hair and he tugged softly to make Luke look at him.
"I love you too." He said, leaning in for a kiss. Luke sighed against his lips and returned the kiss with enthusiasm. When he pulled back, his eyes shone.
"Let's eat some cake and then.. you can open your present." He kissed Reid again, short and sweet, grabbed the plates and moved to the couch.

Once they were seated, Luke grabbed his present again and offered it to Reid with a nervous smile. “Happy birthday. Again. I hope you like it.” He bit his lower lip.

Reid accepted the present, curious what it was. Not because of the present itself, but because of Luke’s nervous behaviour.
“I’m sure I will.” And he really was sure. Knowing Luke, he would have put a lot of time and effort into finding the perfect gift.

When he opened it, tearing away the paper, a beautiful leather wallet appeared. Reid turned it around in his hands, admiring it. “It’s great, I love it.” And he meant it. He wasn’t used to getting presents on his birthday, let alone have someone with him to celebrate the day. So Luke could have gotten him a coaster and he would still be happy with it.

He kissed Luke and squeezed his hand. “Thank you.”

A blush appeared on Luke’s face and took Reid’s hand in both of his. “I’m glad you like it. But that’s not all I want to give you tonight.”

Reid tilted his head, narrowing his eyes. “Okay?”

Luke blush deepened and he cleared his throat. “There’s something inside the wallet.”

Reid gave Luke a long look, then turned his attention to the wallet in his hands. He slowly opened it and found the all too familiar little foil-wrapped square. He took it out and stared at it for a few moments. He felt hope bubble up that this meant that Luke would finally, finally be ready to sleep with him. What else could it mean? Then he felt Luke’s hand curling around his wrist.

“Reid, listen. You know I’ve been…, “Luke swallowed, “hesitant about having sex with you. I want you to know that i don’t want to wait anymore. Because I love you and you love me and to be honest, I can’t stop thinking about it. And I thought today would be a good day, because Reid, I want you to know that you have me. In every way possible. We’re so good together and if what we’ve been doing so far is any indication, sex will be so so fantastic. I keep imagining what it will be like to feel you, to really feel you. I’m just… I don’t…. , “he began to sputter before rambling on. “I don’t have a lot of experience and I want to be good at it for you, but waiting isn’t going to make me more experienced, obviously. So, yes, I did get my hair cut and I bought new clothes, because I want to turn you on and I thought…”

Reid suddenly surged forward and silenced him the best way he knew how. With his lips.
“You’re right. I do love you. And god, yes you turn me on. You didn’t need to buy new clothes for  that. Or get a haircut. But I do appreciate it. “He smirked, but then turned serious. “I don’t care how experienced you are. Or not. I just want you. And I can’t wait to hear what you’ve been thinking about.. exáctly. But later. Because right now,” He stood up and pulled Luke up with him, “we need to take this to the bedroom, because we’re gonna  need more than just this.” He held up the condom and grinned.

:author|artist: fremi08; fff; reid/luke;

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