George and I had a fantastic conversation on AIM today.
Me: (4:01:47 PM): I so hope this coming year will be a better one for us
George: (4:01:04 PM): me as well
George: (4:02:02 PM): i would like to put alot of distance between me and some of the events this year
Me: (4:04:38 PM): Yeah. I wonder what the numerological implication for "2007" is.
George: (4:02:59 PM): the five years and where screwed marker?
Me: (4:05:34 PM): Well 2007 translates to the number 9. I wonder what the specific associations are to that number.
George: (4:04:10 PM): LIFE PATH 9
You are philanthropic, humanitarian, socially conscious, and deeply concerned about the state of the world.
Me: (4:06:21 PM): Hmmmmmmmmmmmm
George: (4:04:22 PM): in deed
Me: (4:06:31 PM): So maybe our general well-being will improve.
George: (4:04:38 PM): (4:04:48 PM): its possible
Me: (4:07:08 PM): Would be nice. Just gotta do what's necessary to help ensure it is all
George: (4:05:32 PM): yep and then we are back to 1 in 2008
George: (4:05:41 PM): and that is meant for a born leader
Me: (4:07:49 PM): Haha, election year
George: (4:05:52 PM): precisely
George: (4:06:03 PM): so the general well being will improve intime for a born leader
Me: (4:08:05 PM): Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeird!11!!!
Me: (4:08:09 PM): LOL Yay!
George: (4:06:28 PM): we can hope right?
Me: (4:08:44 PM): Got to be an improvement over the current administration
George: (4:07:25 PM): having a cock fight with John Holmes would be an improvement over the current administration
Me: (4:09:43 PM): Yes, especially if you're a spectator.
Me: (4:09:46 PM): Comedy gold.
George: (4:08:26 PM): yeah but im saying anyone taking on john holmes would still put us in a better political state then we are currently in.
George: (4:08:40 PM): with supposed actual politicians.
Me: (4:10:46 PM): If they win, I nominate them for king of the universe.
George: (4:09:11 PM): I would fight for that title
Me: (4:11:35 PM): Then we resurrect John Holmes, make him a cock-fighting zombie, and have at it.
George: (4:09:47 PM): id put myself through vigorous training of hitting my dick against all manner of things to toughen up.
Me: (4:12:00 PM): Like Playstations (Inside joke about him hitting a Playstation with his unit once out of frustration.)
George: (4:10:15 PM): or the fridge, wall, people.
Me: (4:12:17 PM): Goddamn, George. It always ends up boiling down to your penis.
Me: (4:12:34 PM): I will now name it the Central Obelisk.
George: (4:10:44 PM): ROFL
Me: (4:13:04 PM): ALL HAIL THE CENTRAL OBELISK! Preferably on your knees. Rawr.
George: (4:11:15 PM): now all it need to do is have the universe truely revolve around it and ill have everything I want
George: (4:11:39 PM): that is how I prefer the hailing of my central obelisk
Me: (4:13:43 PM): Ok, but I'm claiming room in one of your testicles for my condo.
George: (4:11:57 PM): RIDK=afsdf im dying here
Me: (4:14:16 PM): Goddamn, I'm witty.
George: (4:12:18 PM): come on in the testicles are warm and inviting
Me: (4:14:35 PM): I just had central HVAC installed!
Me: (4:14:39 PM): Come see the jacuzzi!
George: (4:12:47 PM): thats why I feel so refreshed in the middle of my day
George: (4:12:50 PM): thanks Naomi
Me: (4:15:04 PM): I do what I can, dude. I do what I can. Hail to the chief.
George: (4:13:15 PM): this conversation is quite recockulous
Me: (4:15:38 PM): Haha. No. It's spelled "recoculous". If you put the K in there, it's too obvious.
Me: (4:15:49 PM): I like seeing people try to pronounce it, and then laugh
George: (4:14:11 PM): lol eh even if they do catch then they dont understand it
George: (4:14:20 PM): and then I explain and they go "ooohhh yeah"
George: (4:14:26 PM): and i DIE a little more inside
George: (4:14:34 PM): lol
Me: (4:16:40 PM): Bullshit. It has "COCK" in it. It's lowest-common-denominator humor. Like fart jokes.
George: (4:14:49 PM): people dont get it
George: (4:14:54 PM): I swear they dont
Me: (4:17:02 PM): WTF?
George: (4:15:08 PM): I dunno I wasn't born an idiot
George: (4:15:15 PM): i have no way of telling you how to NOT get it
Me: (4:17:28 PM): Add them immediately to the cock-slapping list. They are merely fodder for the greater good.
George: (4:16:03 PM): ah yes the Central Obelisk will destroy them.
Me: (4:18:26 PM): Beams of nuclear white light will shoot out of the apex.
George: (4:17:08 PM): oh I was thinking more of a acidic magma that would burn and disolve them instantly
Me: (4:19:24 PM): ...... white-hot love-magma?
Me: (4:19:34 PM): George, have you been reading bad romance novels?
George: (4:18:04 PM): not unless people have been putting them on me while I sleep to absorb them through osmosis.
Me: (4:21:18 PM): "Pssst...George, you awake?" *snooooooooooorrrrre* "Ahem... "He plunged his stout purple warrior firmly into her quivering love-biscuit..."
George: (4:19:39 PM): ROFL
George: (4:19:44 PM): AHAHAHAHAHA
George: (4:20:01 PM): love biscuit
Me: (4:22:04 PM): I want a purple car someday, and I'm going to name it The Purple Warrior.
George: (4:20:04 PM): ROFL
George: (4:20:17 PM): you should get a dog and name it Love Biscuit
Thanks for always being there to bring a little more absurdity into my life, G.