AVATAR, an intelectually infuriating, yet remarkably entertaining movie (Spoiler free rant/review).

Dec 26, 2009 06:21

NOTICE: By spoiler free, I mean I dont give anything specific away. If you havent even seen the trailer, or lack any-and-all ability to guess how a movie like this would generally play out, then maybe you should consider skipping)

So, Intellectually, this movie pisses me off on multiple levels.

Still, somehow I liked it.

Its pretty damn clear where James Cameron falls on the issue of how we treated the local Indians in America at the time of our terribly efficient taking over of this land. Wracked with Guilt, he decided to mix Fern gully and Dances with wolves in a sci-fi epic. That guilt he feels is, of course, a benefit of having been a descendent of the victorious side.

Anyhow, it also seems that James Cameron is at least somewhat a follower of the Eden myth. If you're not sure of the non-biblical-but-by-reference term, it goes a bit as follows -> Back before technology, we were magically in tune with the world and shares some sort of inherent balance with it that allowed us a mystic understanding of how things are, and a strong connection with 'mother earth'. well, it seems that mystic understanding of how things are is a pretty easy balance to upset since its lost to technology every time. THAT, or its complete bullshit, which is the side I fall on in this unsolved conundrum.

Anyhow, remember how guilty Fern gully could make you feel for the role you had in the destruction of the environment? Consider that a prick on the finger to the dismemberment James Cameron tries to give you with the message that being a white american is totally and universally bad, ESPECIALLY if you're in the military (unless of course you're crippled) OR if you're in charge of... well apparently anything. Scientists are 'ok' but to really be the good guy you have to be empty headed. No, seriously, thats an important plot point.

Anyways, like all white american males who learn to feel guilty for what their race has done, our main character excels at being one of them, attracts one of the hot natives as his own, and prettymuch is better than them in every way (because although we have white guilt, we also apparently are the best at everything? For fuck sakes mr Cameron, pick a side wouldja?).

Actually this is actually a little LESS annoying than in most movies with a similar theme, because his fearlessness (little to live for), his physical ability (military training), and his 'empty headedness' (he's a jar-head with a lot of sense-of-self still removed) all actually make for apt open mind for learning these natives ways. in fact, theres actually a really cool scene where a Navi and our main character fight, and if you pay attention, you can tell who's who simply by looking at their fighting style (one is CLEARLY military), so they made a point to show he never does quite fit in perfectly.

Anyhow, the military and corporations or whatever really need this mineral called unobtanium. What is unobtanium? Well besides being the name of the element the scientist from the movie "THE CORE" makes up that wont melt in the core of the earth... its also this floaty rock thing. its important, I think, but I'm only guessing. Really the mineral plays such a small role as to why its desired that it feels like a good purpose they had for the rock was completely left out. You wouldn't even know it floats and was worth a damn except its explicitly told to you. once. And they show it in its terribly floaty nature a few times as our various people weigh in on how far they'll go to get it, internally.

Still, after all that, Go see this movie. And See it in 3D for fucks sake.

James Cameron STILL has yet to learn how to have characters with any fully fleshed ideas. Everyones either a good guy, or a bad guy, or batshit crazy. *HOWEVER* he's also the master of special effects, and how to use them.

--- The T-1000 had a cool special effect, sure, but the PURPOSE of that special effect wasn't just to make you go OOooh and AAAaahh like Michal Bey seems to think FX are for, it was to INTIMIDATE YOU. *THIS* bad ass mother fucker can turn into anything, sound like anyone, and cant be stopped. BE AFRAID!!

---It was technically a big budget disaster scene, sure, but he made damn sure to try and make you care about the people on that big boat that was sinking, so when those people are hanging on for dear life, you dont want them to die, unlike most Jerry Bruckhimer Films.

The Special effects in this movie are impressive but MORE impressive is how little a deal is made about them. Sure, he gives you shots of the Mech, and the first time he's trying to wow you, but he's also making sure you can see the huge differences in the Navi's and the Terrans methods, not just setting up some stupid joke in the third act involving a 'hilarious' misunderstanding with the police or an old nosy neighbor or something.

Its a special effects extravaganza the way they're supposed to be.
You know, with a point beyond merely existing.

In fact, a lot of the more memorable moments for me was little touches that made the movie feel imperfect and realistic (even if it wasnt), like a certain Male lead character having to 'adjust' his new authentic navi outfit. Sure, that joke was crude, but it was both unobtrusive, and it was there to remind you that although he looks Navi, he's DEFINATELY still human. They didn't go overboard with a stupid awkward adjustment scene where every navi is suddenly eye-balling him, its just a subtle gesture that no one notices but the audience if they're paying attention (and they are).

So go see it already.
and in 3D.

Though, we need to explain to directors now that movies in 3d should stop having so much camera motion. sure, it looks cool, except for everything you put in the foreground going from completely flat side of theater to suddenly dynamic and 3d shrubbery in the foreground. it took forever for me to stop noticing every bit of 3d foreground that popped into existence as the camera panned.
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