Netflix has just cancelled Santa Clarita Diet, this article goes some way towards explaining why

Apr 27, 2019 12:46

‘Feeling The Churn: Why Netflix Cancels Shows After A Couple Of Seasons & Why They Can’t Move To New Homes”Honestly they’re just shooting themselves in the foot because I was planning on checking Santa Clarita Diet out after season 3 seemed to get really great reviews, and I heard people on my flist were really enjoying it, but hearing that it has ( Read more... )


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frelling_tralk April 27 2019, 14:51:37 UTC
I definitely find that comedies especially are the kind of shows that you never get sick of re-watching, but then it’s weird to me that Netflix are prepared to spend a ton on having the rights to air Friends for a year, even though in other respects they do seem to want to focus more on original content and see that as their future, so why then are they not investing in setting up some original comedies to run for longer than a few years? That would seem to be a no-brainer to me when all that money they spend on Friends can only benefit them for a singe year.

They seem to have picked up some lessons from comedies being binge-watched in that they have apparently been pushing lately for shorter episodes, but then I’m not sure that really benefits them when the total content of their shows is so much less than shows like Friends, The Big Bang Theory, and The Office which have ten seasons or more with so much episode choice that you will never get sick of it, you can’t spend much time on a couple of seasons of 6-10 episodes in comparison

And I’ve honestly never understood why both Netflix and Amazon Prime waste so much on these really dire movies that hardly anyone cares to watch, I get that they’re cheap and some people must watch them, but for me it makes it a lot less interesting checking out what new content has been added each day when I know that most of it will be very low-rated garbage frankly. It would make more sense to me to make it more of an event with adding a couple of really cool new shows and movies say once a week (and actually promoting on Netflix itself that this is what’s new this week), instead a lot of very good content gets overlooked because of there being tons of new stuff added all the time, whether it’s any good or not


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