Netflix has just cancelled Santa Clarita Diet, this article goes some way towards explaining why

Apr 27, 2019 12:46

‘Feeling The Churn: Why Netflix Cancels Shows After A Couple Of Seasons & Why They Can’t Move To New Homes”Honestly they’re just shooting themselves in the foot because I was planning on checking Santa Clarita Diet out after season 3 seemed to get really great reviews, and I heard people on my flist were really enjoying it, but hearing that it has ( Read more... )


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frelling_tralk April 27 2019, 13:49:47 UTC
I really don’t get what they’re thinking lately. Whether someone is watching a particular show or not, pretty much everyone hates a show ending half finished and on a cliffhanger, and so viewers are less more likely to even start one of their originals (that they are spending tons of money on as lasting content for their platform) if it doesn’t have a proper conclusion. Netflix really seemed to get that at one point when you heard about the CW shows getting shortened final seasons to tie things up properly precisely because of the Netflix deal that they had, and Netflix understanding that viewers are far more likely to watch a show that is complete.

They are going to lose a lot of viewer loyalty with their originals if they continue just cancelling them randomly like this, especially when in some respects they seem to be courting prestige tv and wanting to get a good reputation in that way, and yet they are now treating tv as cheaply as the traditional networks. No one would want to start a movie or a book that cut off right before the end, so why do they think that we want to watch tv in that way?!


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