Happy LJ Anniversary!

Apr 16, 2019 12:39

You can get your own card here!


I’ve been here for 16 years now, I joined in December 2003 right after you no longer needed invite codes to join, and here I am still all these years later.... I first discovered LJ through TWoP of all places, all of the links on the Smallville forum fan fic thread were to LJ and there seemed to be a thriving fandom community here, so I joined to keep up with the fan fic just as soon as it was possible for anyone to start a LJ. My original name was spuffyandclex lol, but I paid for a name change after a few years for obvious reasons *g* Some of my happiest online times have been on LJ, and it’s been the best site to really get to know people and make friends, even if it sadly isn’t as active now as it once was. What first drew other people to LJ?

And here’s to another 20 years 🥂 As long as LJ is still here, I will be here

Today LiveJournal is 20 years old. 🐐🎂🎉 It's a few months older but before that it was a CGI script I copied to friends who ran it on their own servers. Today is domain anniversary. Hosting it for others helped it grow. :)
- Brad Fitzpatrick (@bradfitz) April 15, 2019


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