so yeah things are getting down to the wire with Tom leaving, gah. As you can imagine i'm feeling stressed but what're ya gonna do? The trip went great, though far to short it seems. I had a blast and as much as tom was trying to be Eore about it i think he really appreciated being home for a while too. So now we're just working on getting things ready so i can move without tearing my hair out. The album from the trip is
Here so enjoy. also here's a video of the puppies cuz you can never have enough Clayton monster. Heh speaking of which Mr. Itchy Britches is back with a vengence so to the vet again we go in a few mins.
Click to view
not a whole lot left to talk about off the top of my head. Rob let me borrow Final Fantasy VII so i'm finally playing that, sweet. All i have to say so far is .... Cloud Crossdressing *dies laughing*
okay well i updated so there heh, peace all