Check-in #2

Jan 23, 2006 12:09

Back in the computer lab in the library, I just finished losing weight in the bathroom. You heard me. Anyways, Grammar Studies is with an actual 7th grade grammar book, and she mentioned "gerunds," "participles" and "infinitives," so I'm excited. She's a little weird but very amusing. Next up is Shakespearean Tragedies and Romances with Ms. Demeo. I know her only because she's my advisor, but I'm only a little edgy because it's Shakespeare. I like poetry but I don't feel like having to translate garble like "Oh sullied flesh maketh o'er burneth my soul's deepest lust." Somehow I'm sure that makes sense. I only like using Shakespeare for insults: "Thou art a spleeny pox-marked scut, a barbarous strumpet! Finally, I'm hungry. I brought some snacks but they will not suffice for an hour and twenty minute class full of Shakespeare. Wish me luck, I'm out.
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