
Sep 04, 2005 22:45

know what i just realised while stalling my homework more by watching gone in 60 seconds again and wondering how it would be to have, try one of the things that they do in that movie? i'm an upperclassman. well, woman, but...upperclass. now i can legally torture the ickle froshies while feeling little to no remorse about it. not that i did last year with the arrogant one, mind, but this year it seems more...ok. i mean, the juniors when i was a frosh were fucking bit...oh fuck, most of you were juniors when i was a frosh. umm...they were very nice, never gave me any problems and i loved and still do love them all and i'm gonna go away and shut up and hope that i don't wake up dead in my bed in the morning and I'M SORRRYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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