
Aug 14, 2005 22:06

quiet day, i've just been talking with Aeryn and Sarah all day online. my canadians rock, man! they're sweet and cool and kinda weird. so we've been talking and being random...turns out i kind of tuned Sar into the fact that she's bi. *grins* eyebrow ring...y'know, the drinking age is lower in Canada, and they have some nice colleges up there...i could get used to the cold, right? so yeah, talked there, made a date for tomorrow with billy. going to see Charlie and the Chocolate Factory...i can't believe the femmeified my Johnny Depp! and he's still really sexy. but yeah, so movie and dinner tomorrow night. and apparently i'm not allowed to pay. *goofy grin* and it's just billy, so it's not like it's serious or anything. dude, this Duff song is fitting my life...they know my name, they think they know everything, but they don't know anything about me.

so a good line there. talking with Aeryn now. Billy just texted, he won me a little puppy dog at the boardwalk. lol uh oh. Aeryn's on the warpath for the person in Ohio who fucked with me online. ...maybe i should specify it more than tall, athletic, wants to screw around with me when i come for a college visit...there's more than one person. huh. oh well, here's more info for her going into the aeryn convo. uh oh, that poor guy. lol the only thing left of him'll be little cubes scattered throughout the oceans. funny, we started out kind of fighting over Sarah, but now we're totally protective of each other. someone hurts one of us, and the other's ready to attack with any weapon-you name it. axe, gun, lead piping...she heard that someone got me really upset a few days before i left NJ and she was ready to get her ass down to the US before i told her that i was dealing, i could handle it, and it wasn't the first time i'd been hurt, it wasn't a big deal. she told me i was full of shit, but hey, i got a text from that person a few days ago, so Aeryn listens at least. lol. gotta run, get ready for my date. heh, i probably shouldn't wear the jeans that are just seams, huh?
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