Mar 30, 2010 16:53
I had a headache pretty much my entire shift.
I was taken off the phones to do a 'test/training' that was supposed to take an hour. I had an hour to go until end of shift...perfect.
Hour?? AN HOUR?? I did it in 19 minutes with a 100% score and I was MILKING it people. Back on the phones I go...
my last call comes in and proceeds to go seventeen fucking minutes over my scheduled end of shift. at leats ten of these minutes could have been avoided if they woman actually listened to me when I stated in poerfect honesty, "Yes ma'am I understand exactly what you are saying." Instead of repeating herself EVERY FUCKING TIME
and then barely out of the work parking lot I had to pull over and put the emergency 'doughnut' tire on... right front tire was dead.
did I mention that unless I completely waste what little itme I have after work, the next time I have a day off and can get the tire looked at is SUNDAY?