Snowflake Challenge Day 1

Jan 02, 2012 01:31

I'm participating in
akamine_chan's Snowflake Challenge.

So today is:

Day 1

In your own space, post a rec for at least three fanworks that you have created. It can be your favorite fanworks that you've created, or fanworks you feel no one ever saw, or fanworks you say would define you as a creator. Drop a link to your post in the comments.

1. All the Harry Potter inspired wands I made at the height of my HP fan experience. - The wands I made back in 2003 were some of my favorite fan-inspired things I've ever made. My friend and I had made quite a bit more than you'll see in that gallery. We sold most of them on Ebay and to our friends. I kind of miss the wands that I made and sent off, but I know they made some people very happy. I have a story that I kept from someone that I had made a wand for. I'm going to include it here for you to read, because that story is the reason that my wands are my favorite fan creation.

In June of 2003, I got an email asking me to make a wand for a 74 year old man:

I would like a wand made for my 74 year old Father. In Harry Potter the wand maker chose the wand or the wand chose the maker. I would spoil it if I chose. His name is Jerry. He sang us to sleep at night and built us incredible playhouses. He could sing and play the piano, paint pictures, act and was a wonderful dancer. He made Halloween the best Holiday of the year. He would design wonderful costumes and could sew anything. He was a very successful hairdresser and won many shows. He was the entertainment at any party and could tell stories so well you could watch them unfold. He was an amazingly talented tormented man. You never knew when the volcano would erupt. He is now a very old in his heart, miserable, sick old man, who just happens to love the Harry Potter stories. My mother has read them all to him 3 times and he cannot wait for the next book to arrive. I think it is because he is Harry. Talented and unloved, with a tormented childhood. I believe one of your wands would make the lost little boy in him very happy. If you think you can make a wand for this broken wizard, tell me where to send a check and I will send you his address so you can mail it to him directly. I tell you all this because I think the wand must suit the wizard. Perhaps it will help him heal a bit.

About a month later, we worked out the details and I mailed out his wand. I received an email another three months later from the woman who had ordered the wand:

I finally heard from my Dad. He got the wand and couldn't figure out who sent it. Took him this long to ask me. Mother says he loves it and was very surprised. He hung it next to his easy chair on the wall. Mother says she catches him practicing with it. Thank you for all you have done. It has helped him to have something else to think about.

I've saved these emails for so many years now. They always remind me of the effect such a small thing can have on someone's life.

2. If I could make that first one, my one two and three, I would, but that would be breaking the rules. My number two would have to be the massive Inception story (The Truth They Fear)
eleniatallah and I wrote. It's by far one of the stories I am most proud of having been a part of writing. But we posted it late in the fandom and because of that, I don't think it got the recognition it may have received a few months earlier. Either way, I'm still very happy about the way it turned out and about the world we had created.

3. I had a hard time picking this one. But after some thought I'm going to rec my story for Yuletide 2008, Walking the Path. This story is based in the Abhorsen/Old Kingdom Trilogy by Garth Nix, taking place after Sabriel. This is the only story I've written in my absolute favorite fantasy universe and because of that it holds a special place for me.

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snowflake challenge

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