You know how HP has
merry_smutmas and how absolutely fantastic and awesome it is?
femmequixotic and
ze_dragon just created
nightmare_xmas. It's a bandslash version of Smutmas.
Seriously. This is awesome. Just imagine all the fantastic fic we'll be getting in December because of this.
The details (copied from Femme's posts):
We're looking to sign up between 31-62 participants. Enough to have one post of fic or art a day throughout the month, but no more than two.
Stories have to be 1,000 words long at least, but there's no cap on what you write. Hell, if you want to write a 50,000-word bandslash masterpiece, GO FOR IT. This fandom needs more long fics, dammit.
Signups for the fest will open on Monday, August 27 and close Monday Sept. 3. Assignments will go out by September 15, and fics will be due on November 19. Posting will commence on December 1, and the reveals will be made sometime in the first week of January.
So if you're interested, check out the details on
this post at
nightmare_xmas and then go join the comm! We'll also be mirroring the community
here on Insanejournal for those who'd like to follow it there as well.