How to Make an ONTD Post

Aug 14, 2021 18:00

So you want to post something on ONTD! Here are the basic steps:

1) You need to be a member and be logged into your account to post to the community. Once you have joined and are logged in, click the "Post to ONTD" button on the upper lefthand corner of the home screen.

(If you have a different interface, your "Post to ONTD" button may appear in the center of your screen.)

2) Your screen will look something like this. Click the "Switch to Old Version" text at the bottom of your screen. This part is not mandatory, but nobody likes the new version of the entry system and if you use it no one will like you.

3) Enter the title for your post. Titles should be accurate and catchy. Bonus points for humor.

4) Enter the text of your post. You can use the visual editor or the HTML editor and it will not affect the substance of your post.

Detailed instructions about what a post can contain, what to avoid in a post, and banned sources are available in ONTD's rules. READ THE RULES CAREFULLY BEFORE POSTING!

Some of the basic rules: Do not hotlink! You must use an image hosting site. Livejournal has a very easy-to-use hosting site available for each user in your scrapbook. To use the scrapbook, hover over your icon in the upper righthand corner, select "scrapbook."

Upload your image. Then, copy the link provided and paste into your post.

You can also use, which is separate from Livejournal.

The images above the cuts in your post must not be larger than 620x480 pixels. However, images under a cut can be larger.

To embed a tweet, select the url of the tweet in question.

In the post editor, click the camera tile.

Select the "From another website" option and paste the Twitter url into the provided box. Click "insert."

There are two ways to embed YouTube videos. One is to click the video camera icon in the post creator, then click the "From Another Website" option. Get the video's url from YouTube and paste it into the provided space. Click "insert."

You can also open the video in YouTube and click the "Share" button below the video.

Click the "Embed" option and copy-paste the url.

If your post contains a lot of text or several images, put them behind a cut to prevent readers' browsers from overloading. To include a cut, click the scissors icon in the post creator and write the words that you want to indicate the cut.

The HTML text will look like this:

Your source should ALWAYS be outside of the cut.


Use this HTML code for your source link:

You can also just post the url and clearly label it as a source, like so:


If you include a YouTube video, tweet, or Instagram post, remember to include the links as sources!

6) Add your tags. If you want to, you can manually write out every tag individually. You can also click the "Select" text next to the Tags box and click all the relevant tags.

7) Post your shit! Make sure that you select "To Community" instead of "To Journal" from the options above the post creator. If you have selected "To Journal," the entry will publish to your private LJ and no one will care.

Boom. There you go, sis!
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