Art post - Six bottles of Beer on the Wall

Mar 12, 2008 05:13

Hello everyone, this time I bring you two new wallpapers. Wie! The Jack Sparrow manip is called "The Sparrow" and is once again inspired by the background-story of the character. The Sparrabeth wlp is inspired by a poem by Sara Teasdale called "The Kiss". Enjoy!

BTW. I'm the new co-moderator over at sparrabeth_sea, check it out!

[01] SPARRABETH wallpaper
[01] JACK SPARROW wallpaper

Resources: Listed here (comming soon)

This is a wallpaper for desktop use.
- do not claim as your own.
- do not alter.

This is a wallpaper for desktop use.
- do not claim as your own.
- do not alter.

Critique, questions and all other enquiries are welcome!
Cross posted in: will be added.

wallpaper, sparrabeth, potc

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