I GOT MY FIRTS TATTOO YESTERDAY!!!! *does little celebration dance* Hurts like a bitch now but I can take it.
Since it's my first I'm over-worrried about every little thing like "Should it be peeling like that?", "Is the skin supposed to be hotter in that area than the skin around it?", "Is it supposed to scab over?", "How much ointment is too much ointment?" That last one made me think of other things involving pretty boys being with other pretty boys and so I forgot about my tattoo and began working on my fics.
Which by the way are getting ridiculous.
How is it possible for me to have like seven NEW stories running around my head when I haven't finished the seventy billion still in there?
Anyway while my tattoo is healing I am not under any circumstances going to show it to the public, but I will show you the picture used to make it =D
My first TATTOO And it is totally true what they say about tattoos being addictive. I can barely wait to get enough maney to pay for the next one.