Nov 24, 2003 20:47
gl MATT 715 (10:48:34 PM): dude
gl MATT 715 (10:48:39 PM): that shit was so hilarious
gl MATT 715 (10:48:43 PM): no pun intended
gl MATT 715 (10:48:57 PM): i found garretts underwear on the ground
gl MATT 715 (10:49:15 PM): he had shit himself, there was shit all over them
gl MATT 715 (10:49:28 PM): and i was like, damn garrett, you shit yourself
gl MATT 715 (10:49:47 PM): and he said "no i didnt, thats just dirt"
gl MATT 715 (10:50:01 PM): when it was very obviously NOT dirt
gl MATT 715 (10:51:56 PM): i said, why are they all wet then, if that just some dirt on them
senor pink (10:56:20 PM): lol
gl MATT 715 (10:57:18 PM): he was walkin around my house with his pants down after he shit himself at like 5AM
gl MATT 715 (11:02:14 PM): i was making fun of him earlier and he said, hey man uits my birthday
gl MATT 715 (11:02:33 PM): and i told him, even though its your birthday you still have to shit IN the toilet
gl MATT 715 (11:02:38 PM): not ON the toilet
senor pink (11:02:56 PM): lol
senor pink (11:03:00 PM): how the shit does that happen
gl MATT 715 (11:03:08 PM): i have no idea
gl MATT 715 (11:03:09 PM): !!
gl MATT 715 (11:03:15 PM): i still cant believe it
gl MATT 715 (11:05:01 PM): he slept in his car
gl MATT 715 (11:05:15 PM): we went and woke him up and made him clean it up
gl MATT 715 (11:05:35 PM): haha he was wearing a leather jacket, nicks shorts and a beanie
gl MATT 715 (11:05:39 PM): scooping up all this shit
gl MATT 715 (11:05:42 PM): hahahahaha
senor pink (11:05:50 PM): lol
gl MATT 715 (11:06:01 PM): it was a BIG shit too
gl MATT 715 (11:06:10 PM): diarrhea type
gl MATT 715 (11:06:14 PM): it was BAD
senor pink (11:06:21 PM): oh jesus
gl MATT 715 (11:06:27 PM): i thought i was puke at first
senor pink (7:21:00 PM): i've been laughing all day today
ArtisticArtisan (7:21:19 PM): ya...
ArtisticArtisan (7:21:32 PM): imagine my wakeup call...hey nick, shit's on your toiler
senor pink (7:21:34 PM): that is some repugnant ass shit
ArtisticArtisan (7:21:44 PM): haha
ArtisticArtisan (7:21:48 PM): yeah
ArtisticArtisan (7:21:56 PM): makes humans look pretty damn ridiculous
ArtisticArtisan (7:22:06 PM): i mean, i've pissed in trash cans...
senor pink (7:22:07 PM): garrett does that on a regular basis
ArtisticArtisan (7:22:17 PM): but i've never shit atop a toilet
Thank you Garrett..thank you so very much.