
Apr 26, 2011 21:34

Title: Blind
Pairing: Soohyun/Eli
Genre: Angst, romance
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Soohyun and Eli are best friends. Eli has a girlfriend. They all live happily…OK, maybe not all of them, but the point is that happiness doesn’t last forever…
Chapter: 5/?
Warning: I’m not a native speaker
Disclaimer: Can’t I have Soohyunnie for just a little bit?

Eli’s P.O.V.
Soohyun led me to my room and helped me sit on my bed. Now, I think I’ll just lie down and rest for a bit...Hmn? What is this soft, fluffy thing? My hand examines the item...a small pillow? My fingertips touch the embroidery in its centre...I feel tears coming to my eyes. It’s the pillow that I received from Chae Young...the one with her name on it. She said that it’s so that I could fall asleep thinking about her. More tears roll down my face and my body starts shaking as I clench the pillow in my hands. You wanted to be the last thing on my mind before I fall asleep...but it seems that for you, I wasn’t what you were thinking about before sleep could claim you. You didn’t even visit me when I was in the hospital! It’s been nearly a month! A fucking month! My broken leg is healed already and there’s still no sign of you! I thought you loved me! Why are you so cruel?! Ahh...right. There’s a very important difference between now and then...because now, I’m BLIND! That’s right! Who in their right mind would want to be tied to a blind man?! I throw the pillow in anger and then I hear a loud noise. I guess I broke something but I don’t really care at this point. My mind is full of disturbing thoughts, I feel betrayed, furious and useless. In my current state I don’t even hear the door to my room open or Soohyun calling my name. Only when I feel the bed bend under someone’s weight and a pair of arms wrapping themselves around me do I realise that I’m not alone in my room anymore. I jump a little at the sudden, unexpected contact but soon it sinks in that it’s Soohyun who enveloped me in the hug. Hell, I didn’t want him to see me in such a state but I can’t help it now.

“I heard a crush sound coming from your room so I came to check what it was...What happened, Eli?” Soohyun asks wiping away my tears with his hand.

“Nothing, Soohyun...nothing happened,” I reply trying to somewhat put my emotions under control and failing miserably.

“Eli...I’m not stupid, I can see that something did happen. It breaks my heart to see you like this...and you know that you can tell me anything. I’m your best friend...don’t you trust me?” Soohyunn says and I can hear sadness in his voice.

“She left me...” I whisper almost inaudibly.

“What did you say?” Soohyun asks not hearing the whisper properly.

“She left me...Chae Young...she left me Soohyun,” I whisper louder this time as I feel another wave of tears come to my blind eyes. Soohyun doesn’t say anything, instead he hugs me tighter and I can feel his hand running in circular motion on my back to comfort me. By now, the other man noticed the thrown pillow laying on the floor together with a broken reading lamp.
“She didn’t even come to see me, Soohyun. I was waiting like a fool for her but she never came! Did she even love me to begin with? Or was she just playing with me?! And If she wanted to break up with me she should have done that personally! She should have come and say it to my face!” I start with a low voice and eventually end up yelling and hitting Soohyun in the chest to release the anger that resides within me.

Soohyun doesn’t even flinch at the punches that land on his chest. God, how he wishes that he could do something to ease his friends pain, but there’s nothing he can do and at this sad truth silent tears roll down his cheeks and he shuts his eyes tight.

“What did I do to deserve all this, Soohyun? Just what in the world did I do?” I ask as I come down from my agitated high just to be swallowed up by the feeling powerlessness.

“You didn’t do anything, Eli, you didn’t do anything...” Soohyun answers in a soft voice as he continues to rub my back soothingly and lets me cry my heart out on his shoulder. Thanks to Soohyun’s velvety voice and slow, steady heartbeat I finally manage to calm down and eventually fall asleep in his comforting embrace.

No one's P.O.V.
Soohyun stirs slowly and his eyes flutter open only to find Eli’s face mere centimetres from his. Initially, his eyes widen in surprise, but then he remembers why he might be in such a position. Eli had a break down and Soohyun was trying to comfort him and when the man noticed that his friend finally fell asleep he decided to just lie down on the bed with Eli in his arms because he didn’t want to risk waking the other man if he tried to leave. Soohyun studies Eli’s features. He never had the chance to look at his friend from such a close distance. Eventually, his eyes fall on the other man’s lips and hie finds himself leaning in...however, at that moment Eli moves and Soohyun quickly pulls away. What the hell are you doing, Soohyun?! You know you can’t have him. You’re just his best friend and nothing more so what were you thinking?! Soohyun scolds himself mentally and closes his eyes in frustration.

Eli's P.O.V.
My senses come to life as I slowly start waking up. Knowing that even if I open my eyes the only thing that will greet me will be darkness I decide to keep them closed. I feel arms around me so it means that Soohyun is here with me. I remember everything that happened before I fell I showed Soohyun my vulnerable, pathetic side and now, I feel enormously embarrassed because of it. And yet, if I ever decided to show this side of me to anyone, it would be no one else but I guess I can live with it. Besides, now that I think about it, I feel much better after finally letting my emotions come to the surface. I really needed that and now, I think that I can finally move on. I smile to myself and snuggle closer to Soohyun. Who knew that his arms can be so warm and comforting...and his scent...I feel as if I were in a tropical forest...How come I never realised these thisngs? Wait...why am I even thinking about such stuff? Whatever, I just want to stay like this a bit longer...

No one's P.O.V.
Soohyun opens his eyes when he feels Eli snuggle closer to him and then blushes furiously when the other man’s lips accidentally brush his neck. They have never been this close before...Soohyun’s heart flutters and a smile makes its way to his lips. Even though it’s just a fleeting moment, Soohyun decides to enjoy it to the fullest, unwilling to move even an inch away from the other man.
That’s it for the 5th chapter~
I hope you enjoyed reading it, my dear readers^^
Till next time~


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