How I ended up alone wih some rum, lime and sparkling water

Jun 16, 2007 22:52

This is my journal right? So I can rant all I want.

I have my reasons, by the way! I'm done with my social life until someone really WANTS to go out with me to have fun and not for a oh-so-lame 'runway show'.

Ok, thing is my aunt works in a Yacth Club bar/restaurant as a barman and my cousin Laura called me to ask me to go with them to the bar and say hi to her and have an ice-cream after dinner.
They picked me up around 8:45pm, and we arrived at the Yacth Club a little after 9 and say hi to my aunt before having a little walk down the pier chatting and laughing at the enormous amount of expensive yachts.
When we got back to the bar my aunt was busy and we couldn't get her to serve us.

Well I didn't have the ice-cream, and not even the Daiquiri I wanted because that jerk that is my uncle didn't want to sit down at the table and I was so NOT in the mood to fool around with my glass because he's a cheap ass and didn't want to take a seat.
Well ok, tecnically I'm on a diet so I could have skipped the ice cream anyway but my uncle still remains a jerk. Besides I was really in the mood for a Daiquiri. I'm not so much into the saturday night drinking lately so I could have used some booze for a change.
I was upset and my cousin was sad and basically she was complaining about my uncle's jerkiness with my aunt just a few minutes before, when we arrived. So it's not only me.

We stayied a bit more and then decided to head home. He wouldn't even let me drive his preciousssss BMW because 'you've been ranting all the time against me and now you want to drive MY car? no way'. Jerk!
So basically I didn't utter a single word for all the journey back home. I barely waved goodnight to my cousin, cause she's so sweet and it's not her fault if her father is a moron!

I got home and headed straight to my room. Of course my pajamas were downstairs so I went back downstairs to change and searched the fridge for some fresh water.
I ended up with a Lime Bacardi Breezer. I mean I'm pathetic right? Drinking alone in my pajamas ranting about a moron.

But this is only a part of the problem. I was in a ranting mood even before going out. I feel like I'm losing control over my life and i just realized that I HAVE to be a little bitchy sometimes. Cause I'm too nice with people and always tend to kick me in the ass whenever they don't need me anymore. So here, I think I'm gonna make the  biggest msn friends cut ever. Or maybe just make another account. I mean there's no point having over 100 contacts and barely chat with 1/4 of them, right? I say, hell to the 3/4! If they ever wanted to talk to me they would have already done.
I'm not sure how many of you have my msn contact. I'll keep you on the loop.

And my mum is really pissing me off these days. I'm thinking to leave my house, even, which is ridiculous! But I can't go on like this. Every single damn thing that's wrong in her life is MY fault. Jesus! World's famine is my fault too!
Oh and how could I dare watch tv-shows, anyway? They're crap, they're useless and I'm a failure cause I'm 24, I'm not married, I don't have a major yet and I work only 6 hr a day. Damn me! How do I even deserve to walk on this earth?
I'm tired. I'm tired of fighting  with her, cause THAT's really useless.
And I really wish she had a wreck of a daugther. Wasted, on drugs, whatever. She'll have something REAL to rant about at that point.

I'm even tired of ranting, so..
Goodnight folks!

I almost forgot the only POSITIVE note of my day. Three genuinely special girls:
Em (
inthevast) ♥ Sarah (
dorkfish04) ♥  and Kristy (
wowsugarpuss_) ♥ because they've created the most gorgeous JD/KB community ever,
Oh and I love MY little vast also because she's writing some JD/KB smutty porn just for me! Heeeee!!!

rants, wtf?, thoughts, my life

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