Feb 18, 2011 17:59
I want some new shiny, pretty userpics, but I think I'm far too tired tonight to even contemplate what I want. I'm also strangly attached to my old ones, but at the same time bored to death of them.
When my hearing aid batteries are running low, they bleep in my ear. Fair 'nuff? Except it's every 10 seconds, right in my ear. I'm usually not too far away from spare batteries, so not too annoying.
Today I pick up the phone at work to a rambling physio. A few seconds in and the bleeping starts. In the ear I have the phone up to. I can't stop the physio talking as she is off on a ramble about the client, I can't stop listening in case I miss something important, I can't turn my hearing aid off as the phone is in the way and I can't stop the bleeping.
I'm not kidding when I say she rambled for 5 minutes. It was like chinese water torture. Suffice to say I decided it was time for a coffee break when I finally got her off the phone.