don't change your plans for me

May 28, 2004 22:13

i just realized that i am a fucking asswhole. i manipulate people and i play with their minds. im down right mean, and im a pervert. i've gotten the reputation for the person who will say things when no one else has the balls too. i make people run circles around me. i am nice to them one minute, and a complete fuck ass the next. i treat people with utmost kindness, "hey, how are you, its nice to see you" then i become something different, "go away, im sick of talking to you". it makes me upset that i can't control my own feelings, if i don't like someone i feel like i should tell them straight out. but i can't, i feel like i should always be nice. i go into a situation promising i'll treat them nicely. then i end up just being grouchy and annoyed. please, don't take it personally.
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