My throat is KILLING me.

Dec 02, 2005 21:57

Being stuck at home for two days and some hours has made me miss society. Since my typical weekend hangout group has gone to the mall and left me behind (choking on my huge, inflamed tonsils and unable to swallow without making a violent clutching-motion towards my throat) I have decided to update this thing with a somewhat real entry.

I have skipped way too much school this year. Well, I guess I only really skip individual classes. Like English Lit and History. Oh, speaking of History, I just remembered today that I have a term paper due on Monday. It was assigned in the middle of October and I haven't even picked a topic yet. This could be a potential problem because I was supposed to verify my topic choice with the student teacher. Alas, she is going to have to make do with whatever I can find books about in my house, because we need literary sources. I think this means I am going to have to choose something having to do with firefighters or WWII aircraft. Great. How exciting.

I want to go shopping. NO.
I mustn't think of that. Just because EVERYONE has gone shopping WITHOUT ME it's really OKAY with me. Actually... Caroline, Jon, and Brian all tried to bring me ice cream but I wouldn't let them. So really they're quite amazing people, and I honestly hope they're having a grand time at Solomon in the crazy Christmas crowds. (Check out that alliteration! I may be sick and crappy looking right now, but I still know my figures of speech.)

I'm going to go sip some tea. And then I am going to... I don't know what.
No. Screw tea.
I want ice cream.
Dammit. I should have said yes to them.
Thankfully we have some in the freezer.

I love December, and despite my shitty health I'm in a really, really good mood.
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