I'm still working on this... :-/
Don't work in things that will last a lifetime, work on things that will out last it. ~Aaron (
2005 Goals
1) Weight - I really need to lose some weight. I think I will start going back to
WeightWatchers. I have had success there before.
2) Eastern - I would like to get into
Eastern and live on campus.
3) Letterboxing - I should get back into
Letterboxing. Now only is it fun but it should help me to lose some weight.
4) Scrapbooking - I haven't scrapbooked in a long time.... I should get back on it...
5) School - Do well at my last semester at
QVCC. I would like to get atleast b's.
6) Work - Never do free work on peoples computer again. NEVER! I do plan to help people by writing some pages for My Website to help them. But no more free work!
7) Grow - Grow Spiritual. Read my bible and pray every day. Attend
Church regularly. Witness often.
8) Time - Set a Sheduler and stick to it.
9) Procrastination - I wait to do everything until the very last minute. This has to stop.
10) Homework - Turn in all assements on time.
11) Room - Clean my room and keep it that way. Clean it daily.
12) Update - Update My LiveJournal Daily.
13) Forget - Stop forgeting EVERYTHING! 0_o
14) Girlfriend - Get a Girl Friend.
15) Organziation - Get and Stay Orgaized.
16) Money - Trak it all year using Microsoft Money.
The Year In Review
I had just completed my
General Educational Development (GED) and was very excited to start at
QVCC. I bought
My Notebook in this month.
I just started to settle in at
This is the mouth I start a
Stop and Shop. I failed both English and Math. :-(
This is my birthday month. This is the month that I started in the
Computer Lab at
This is the month I left Stop and Shop. I didn't want to but I need too because school was starting and I already was working two jobs (
Stop and Shop and the
Computer Lab) I didn't have a chiose
Well this is the first month ever that I forgot my mother's birthday :-( Sorry, Mom. I love you.
I finished a very successful semester at
QVCC with the following grades:
Network Essentials I
Intro to Computer Hardware
Academic Reading
Intro to Software Aplicatns
All My Friends
Ben (
Paige (
Little Sam
Josh (
Wayne (
Big Sam