Thanks for all the fish... :)

Sep 22, 2011 17:48

I'm also going to have to drop from Bump and pull Lea McCoy (damnit_ima) and James Watson (notthatwatson). For several reasons, I've found that I can't follow most of the plotting, mainly because of not having the time on my end and also because of not being involved in/knowing much at all about the current canon material being used for the bigger storylines (especially Miracle Day - my knowledge of Torchwood currently ends with the original BBC series before CoE). Because of that, I'm finding that I really can't figure out what to do with my characters. Also, as there's now also another character who uses Claire Forlani as her PB, I feel it would be a little confusing having Lea around, epsecially when the other one has closer ties to the main people involved in the plots.

I'll still be around, however, mostly at SSWS and Memebells. If you're intested in playing with any of my characters, feel free to answer a posting or drop me a PM, and I'll let you know who my other characters are (Sanctuary, TVD, Trek, SGA).

Thank you for welcoming me! You guys have quite a world built here. Good luck with it!

leandra - damnit_ima, james - notthatwatson, (dropping out)

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