Guys. I really, truly am sorry for my disappearing acts but my hectic summer is over. My sister is married (yay!), I finally got to cut my hair off like I wanted to (doubleyay!) and apart from my car being a piece of shit life is back to normal. Me being a broke hermit is normal, in case you were wondering. I'm without a car and broke as hell from the cost of repairs so I'll likely be around a lot more (when I'm not watching all these new shows I decided I 'need' to watch.
I'm nearly up to date on Supernatural (season 7 episode 17) and I know Season 8 premiered (I downloaded the first episode) but I wouldn't be able to watch anyway because my cable provider is having a dispute with the tribune company and so I don't have the CW. *pout*
I've worked things out with Kels in regards to Violet so this has me pumped to get back into things (To be honest the Violet situation had a lot to do with my RP funk :/). Despite this I might backburner Vi to focus on other important muses. Like Dani and Zoe and Monty and Mizuki and Candice.
That being said.... I purged pretty much all of my old threads to start fresh. I have a few more in my inbox I want to confirm with the other mun whether or not they're okay with dropping but other than that? Clean slate!
With this clean slate I'd like to attempt to get Mizuki's voice louder in my head but if I fail in this regard I will be giving her up so that someone else can have her!
Secondly! Can we please please please get Dani on track? This calls for threads with Becky (Sara) and Fi (Stella) so tomorrow after work I will brainstorm with you two lovely ladies.
I know what I want to do with Zoe but I want to talk to Victor-mun about it. Be prepared for awesome, guys. :D
As far as Monty in concerned? All Sammy all the time to see if they can get out of their rutt.
Owen is around if you need a doctor or a booty call...unless Tosh is going to sick her teeth into him, in that case all bets are off.
With Amy gone, Candice needs a new BFF to do pregnant things with. Open for applications, guys.
I am putting everyone else (Hope, Anwen, Alicia and Quorra on the back-burner for now. I want to try and focus and having so many voices buzzing around in my head doesn't help me at all.
Oh and if I didn't officially drop Vera consider her dropped.