Character Drops

Apr 27, 2012 16:33

Time to clean up my character list. I'll be dropping the ones that have either never played, or that I don't think will play much/at all. So, that will be:

arcane_reporter, flieswithfire, eideticsmartass, ladyofmarvel, haptechie.

The only two I'm active with are Jinx and hopefully Rylan. Not sure if I'll keep Mister and Rasputin in either.

jinx - tinkerfae, carol - ladyofmarvel, rylan - depthofduty, sherlock - eideticsmartass, (ooc), henry - haptechie, susan - arcane_reporter, rasputin - seeded_darkness, mister - misterbfc, (dropping out), evie - flieswithfire

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