Reference Post - How to Tag

Sep 26, 2011 07:27

Below is a list of current tags in the RP and OOC comms and how to use them to tag your posts. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.

verse:verse name
Use this tag on your entries to denote your ‘verse. In Freedom Verses, this is more often than not verse:bumpinthenight, but we do have several other ‘verses and an open ‘verse so please remember to use this tag in your IC posts and your OOC posts for anything related to your ‘verse.

plot: plot name
Use this tag for in play plots in both the RP and OOC comms. Once a plot that spans the whole ‘verse is put into official play, the mods will make a tag formatted like this for easy tracking.

char - ljusername
Use your muse’s character tag when you post or jump on a thread in the RP comm. Also use it OOC to keep the comm updated on anything involving your character. IE. (retcon), (absence), (introductions), and so on.

Use this tag for any ‘verses when you will be unable to play for longer that ‘usual’. This varies from player to player, so use your own discretion if the absence is shorter than one week . You will want to use this tag in conjunction with your char tags.

Any threads being currently played on the comm should use this tag. Please remember to retag them (finished) when play is done.

(adult content)
Does your post contain something you wouldn’t want your kid (or grandma) to see or might get some poor person fired if they get caught reading it? Use this tag.

Any additions and subtractions to the cast of your ‘verse would use this tag.

(chat log)
Use this tag when you repost an AIM or other chat log for IC interactions.

(chat room)
Posts regarding the Blast Rooms should have this tag

(email log)
Use this tag when you repost an email log for IC interactions.

(check in)
This is used by the moderators to tag a check in post. We don’t do this often, but when we do it will be under this tag.

The contact list and any additions to it will be tagged with this. If you make a separate post with new info on how you want to be contacted, use this tag.

(cross post)
Any other cross posts that don’t have a tag, use this one.

Cross posts of your drabbles can use this tag.

(dropping out)
When you drop muse or leave a ‘verse, please use this tag.

(dry run post)
Want to try something out without all the pressure of making it ‘verse canon? Use this tag. BUT remember to remove it if you decide to make the event ‘verse canon.

All fics, with the exception of drabbles, should use this tag

Want to flesh out something that happened before the current timeline, be it fic, RP or handwave? Use this tag.

Ditto above, only use caution. You never know what will happen in the past or present to change the future. Or to put it another way, “People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually, from a non-linear non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big bowl of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey... stuff. “ - The Doctor.

(friend all)
This tag will take you to the friending table which allows you to add all current Bump!Verse members to your F-list.

Fun stuff that doesn’t have a specific tag?  Use this tag.

Use this tag when you take a break from playing that will span less than one week but just want to let your fellow players know.

Posts with a festive theme (gift fic offers for example) use this tag.

New muses use this tag, along with your character tag to post your OOC intros. Use it on the RP comm to post your introduction post.

Cross posts of memes should use this tag and be put on the OOC comm unless they are verse canon.

(round up post)
Use this post to wrangle everyone’s link, such as memes, bios and the like.

Any metaness uses this tag.

Mod posts. We encourage everyone to track this tag in the OOC comm if you’re not already.

(movie watch)
Planning on watching a flick/show and want to invite the ‘verse to join you? Use this tag.

Use this tag to discuss NPC matters.

The catch all OOC tag. It’s generally not needed in the OOC comm. Any OOC posts in the RP comm should use the tag (ooc)

Willing to play with ANYONE on your on comm RP post? Use this tag.

(personal journal repost)
If you played something on your own LJ that you want as ‘verse canon, use this tag to cross post it.

Feel free to pimp out other comms, games, ‘verses, whatever. You can use this tag to do it.

Got a song that just SCREAMS your or someone else’s muse? Use this tag.

Use this tag for your plotting needs. Use it to discuss ideas for future plots or for currently in play plots. If using for current plots, please couple it with the plot: plot name tag

If you need the ‘verse’s input on a poll, use this tag.

If you have a question, no matter how big or small, use this tag.

It happens to the best of us. Our muse changed and we need to completely start over. Use this tag if your muse needs a reboot.

Use this tag if your adding a muse that replaces a muse that was played by another player. This tag is for use ONLY when you are incorporating the previous canon and history of the muse before yours.

Wiki links, helpful information and reference posts of all kinds use this tag.

(retcon) AKA: ‘Oops. Let’s try that again!’ or the ‘USS We Fucked Up!”
When you need to scratch an event or series of events from ‘verse canon, use this tag. Can be used with the (reboot) tag if needed.

Mods will use this tag to post new comm wide rules.

Use this tag on all your SWS crossposts and any OOC post related to SWS.

See above, only sexier.

Don’t spoil people. If your post contains spoilers, either from your canon or a plot in-’verse or both, use the tag and put any spoilery text under an LJ cut, please.

New and relevant tags and how to use them

What happened and when did it happen? Use this tag to tell us or to find posts of other people telling us.

(trigger content)
Doing something that might make someone feel uncomfortable or triggered? Use this tag both IC and OOC to let people know what they might be in for.

Anything and everything to do with 140 characters or less.

Did you handwave something? Find out a new piece of character canon that you’re working into your muse’s history? Just need to let us know what’s up? Use this tag.

Similar to absence, but tends to have more suntan lotion and drunken blurs.

(verse summary)
Got a new ‘verse you want to catalog for everyone to see? Use that tag.

(violent content)
Getting your rough physical force on? Tag that post.

(plot summary post)
Monthly plot post roundups can be found here.

(weekly summary)
These posts let everyone in the ‘verse know what the heck your muses have been doing.

(tags), (reference)

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