The cold weather is fading away, and people are shedding their coats like snakes shed their skin. Dawns and Dusks still bring a stilling chill over us, but its evident that summer is knocking. Which is about when my very spontaneous Australian holiday will come to an end. Of course not without seeing Sydney and Gold Coast first. And in February I will be back on the big whirring mechanical bird on my way to Dubai, to battle, or in my case bask, in more cold weather til about april/may, which is when summer comes along. I hear their summer is almost unbearable. 50 degrees and over. Just a couple of days ago, I signed up with fitness first as a platinum member. Being on as long a holiday as I am in Melbourne, one tends to snack alot, esp with delicacies like krispy kremes just across the street. So in order to prevent myself from turning into more of a rolly polly than i already am, gymming constantly is in order. Step one is to walk alot, which I do. Really I do. I love the cold weather so much that rather than take a tram to QV, or melbourne central, i prefer to shuffle along in the cold. Anyway, the weather aside. I must say I am missing my friends at home terribly. But if you think I'm planning to cut short my holiday and go home, you must be out of your mind. Jia Yi and I just scored tickets to the Rihanna and Chris Brown concert. And Gowri and I are going to Kayne West on 5th of December. So if you're missing out, then well, sucks to be you. Okay. I think I am going to throw the remainder of my white choc frap away. So much for battling the bulge.
I saw him on a Friday outside some run down saloon
He was cryin over someone that he felt left much too soon
I said, hey boy don't you cry tonight
Let me take you out on this town