Aug 11, 2008 10:28
We will stay oblivious to our jaded fate
Our premeditated lines will continue to burst
our pacing hearts and luscious melody lines.
And as we pass through this time
I'll promise to remember those city streets
as long as you delay what's on your mind.
so i just looked through my ljs and am so embarrassed by it.
i wish i had documented more of the happy parts and not just the screw ups with him.
im still hoping that the time he admits to is true. but im not sure.
either way he went straight to another girl after me and when she was done, right back to me.
that scares me.
we talk everynight and he decided the past three nights to stop doing such.
and today is the last time i see him. and thats it, and its not going to be near as perfect as i need
it to be. and im scared..