Aug 07, 2008 19:05
K so I'm not gonna post it like I usually do cuz it's just way too long, but I just have to share my enthusiasm about my final paper for my Mythology class. I got to write about child development, cats, the Cheshire Cat and Alice in Wonderland, theater and roleplaying, and Paganism all in one paper. OMG, I am seriously about to burst with nerdy joy right now. It's SOO much fun to write papers about topics you're actually interested in.
My Bibliography includes my edu textbooks and some of the parenting books I read for fun when I'm bored, Freud and Jung and Erikson, Alice in Wonderland, and ... all those Pagan books I used to prepare for Pagan Society meetings. Er, if you're reading this, thank you Rob and Laura for inadvertantly helping me get an A in Mythology. Also, thanks to everyone I ever roleplayed with. I didn't exactly include the D&D Player's Manual in my Bibliography, but it would be a lie to say that all those years of being a total geek didn't influence this paper like a lot.
Okay okay, so I've probly made you all curious now and it'd be unfair to just leave it at that. The paper is called My Childhood Mythology and it uses memories of pretend play (and roleplay) in my own life to talk about the developmental implications of dramatic play, and also the similarities between pretend play and mythology, and to make a case for how imaginative play can be seen as the child's way of seeking spirituality. (Yeee, talking about yourself is fun ^_^)
And on a completely different note, I've been living in a studio apartment for a few weeks now. It's a total mess and it kinda smells like teriyaki sauce cuz I haven't wash the dishes for a few days (eew), but it's a really nice feeling having your own place with your own kitchen and bathroom and getting to decorate it and all. I ordered phone and internet service the other day, YAY! =D And after being here in Bumblefuck Vermont for three months, I swear I will never again take landlines and internet access for granted.
Speaking of apartments and such, I was thinkin' it might be kinda neat if there were art supplies in the living room in the Boston apartment so we could put newspapers on the coffee table and randomly turn the living room into a makeshift art studio when the muse decides to pay us a visit. (Sasha, feedback?)
k, so I go byebye now.
spruce mountain