Livejournal Stuffs

Oct 28, 2007 18:43

 My paid account expired again.  =(  I don't really feel like paying for another year or even another month, because I found myself not using most of the features and it wouldn't really be worth it for me.  They let me keep my awesome layout and custom emoticon set, and I never do voiceposts anymore, and I've never ever done polls, so yeah.  I just really want just two more userpics.  I had 10 and I was able to easily eliminate the 2 I rarely used, but for the life of me I can't decide which 6 of the 8 remaining are the most important.  Thankfully I get a few more days to decide...they will remain in my userpic set with a "deactivated" status, but they won't disappear entirely to the midst of the interweb never to return.

Does anyone know if there is any way I could to just buy extra icons by the icon, without having to pay for all those other features that you get with a paid account?  And no, sponsored is not an option for me.  The ads drove me absolutely bonkers.

I suppose it might be a bit silly to purchase pixilated images without any of the other cool features.  I suppose I could just switch them when I feel like it.  But that would be annoying, and then the icon would be switched for past entries, and I figured I might as well ask.  If there's a way to do it for really cheap and have it be permanent that might be worth it.  Because finally, after 3 years of searching Google images and my digital photos and tweaking things in Photoshop and LJ icon maker, I think I have a userpic set that is absolutely perfect for my personality and this journal and my typical mood swings.  I'd rather not have to mess with it.

And speaking of Livejournal, sometime soonish when I have money again (Halloween ate most of my funds for this month, yeppers) I'm gonna get a rename token and name this journal kittenforever.  Just so y'all are aware of who "kittenforever" is when it mysteriously appears on your friends page.

lj, changes

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