Mod Post

Jun 08, 2010 10:13

100+ watchers & 100+ entries

So, because of this (and thank you to the 100+ members/watchers I can not thank you all enough, icon making has always been a fun hobby for me.. most of the time, lol) going to open up requests/interest icons.

You can request interest icons, where I pick up to five of your interests listed in your LJ profile or you can provide me with five.


You can spam me with pictures, to match the interest part, up to five. Links preferred, but you can also just leave the actual pictures if you would rather.

Unlimited to the spam requests (but only one per comment, please) and only one interest icon request per person. So, yes, that means you can take part in both the interest icons and the picture spam.

I'll keep this open until the end of the month :) Some non 20in20 icon posts will be coming up soon.. some stock, some challenge related and some icon claims. Hopefully some baseball and also some from the 2004 Phantom of the Opera movie.

!mod post

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