Kate was not exactly looking forward to seeing a certain Nikola Tesla again. Seeing how their last visit had ended with her sporting an impressive bruise and being implanted with tracking chips. But all that aside, she had an opportunity, one they might not get again, and she knew she couldn't do it alone. So swallowing her pride as well as
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"It's open," he muttered.
"If you feel you must," he drawls, putting everything to one side and going for the bottle of wine next to him.
"Come in and close the door."
She shrugged, tossing him her phone, all the texts saved, "Dana wants to meet me, you know, check in, whatever. I got her to promise to bring Thad with her. The 'Bus Stop' is a small facility just north of the river, no labs or anything. Very hush hush, low security."
He slid the phone back along the bench to her and then hunted out a map of the city, setting it down in front of Kate with a pen.
"Show me where this 'Bus Stop' is," he said flatly. That in itself could be useful information.
"Yeah...she's got a sick sense of humor", Kate agreed dryly. She took the pen and map, studying it briefly before uncapping the pen. She let the tip hover over the map as she tried to connection the marks on the map with the route she remembered from the ground.
Finally, she circled a small area on the opposite side of the water from old city.
"It's set up to look like a tourist office, explains all the comings and goings, you know. But that's just the front, most of it goes on on the basement level. It's just for dropoffs, reports and processing, deliveries get brought in through the back but it's so close to the docks the trucks blend right in, then they get ferried to the labratory headquarters here."
She drew a second red line, and connected it with a larger building deeper into the city.
"If we go there with intent to save your unfortunate brother - what would you say Whitcomb's security detail is? If she is as high up as you say she is - she is not going to travel alone to meet a rouge operative like you..." That would be foolish and Nikola doubts that Ms Witcomb is foolish.
"I need to know how many people to bring..."
Kate quickly qualified, "Before all this, little assignments and stuff, she probably kept three or four plainclothes ops in the local crowd nearby, probably one sniper at a good vantage point. On her home turf...well, whatever security's already on site is probably going to be concentrated at the back. If we make it look good, like I'm going in totally alone, she'll probably only bother with one or two sharpshooters on the perimeter. We meet out front, make sure Thad's okay, someone takes out the snipers while a second unit starts making trouble at the back to draw away all excess security."
What? She knew how to strategize.
Which meant that they'd somehow need to follow her down...
"A scuffle on the surface won't draw out all the rats. You'll no doubt be left with several down there with you and your brother..."
It was a risky plan, too many variables to even consider if it wasn't the only chance she might get.
And that's what makes it so hard - they are surounded by new faces.
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