Channeling session and Hero's Deck card draw this weekend

Aug 17, 2013 16:05

Name of Day: I'm offering a channeling session weekend. (More details and information can be found there!)

Description of Service: I'm offering to channel answers to your questions from the realm of spirit, as well as provide insights from my own abilities, and interpret draws from the Hero's Deck (a deck of oracular or insight cards based on Heroic archetypal things). While Theresa, the Guide who usually does this with me, can't be with us, Bast and Horus (yes, the Egyptian gods) have offered to stand her post for the session; you may ask one question of them, and any number of questions of me and the cards.

Who is Eligible: Anyone who asks.

Date/Time Window: Right now, until Tuesday August 10th at 9am Eastern time, or whenever I log in to end the session. Everyone who asks within that time will be answered.

Tipping? Yes, please! I have a PayPal account, and if that doesn't work for you, send me a private message and we'll try to work something out. Asking a question is free, but a donation of $5 or more will allow you to ask a second question of Bast and Horus.

Examples: If you'd like to see other sessions I've held in the past, you can check my LJ's tags for channelling (two l's) and the Hero's Deck.

tarot readings, oracle, divination

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