Wren Starling's One Card Draw

Jun 27, 2012 11:51

Name of Day: Wren Starling's June One Card Draw!

Description of Service: Comment on the linked post (not here!) and I will pull a card for you from my original, unique bird oracle deck. If you are facing a choice, the cards may help point in the most positive direction for you. You may request an overall card to meditate upon. You might want a card to let you know what new thing may come into your life in the near future, or what is the most important thing facing you at this time. You may ask a specific question and we will see if the universal subconscious can answer it for you. However you use this opportunity, I hope it will be helpful!

Who is Eligible: Anyone and everyone is welcome!

Date/Time Window: Today, through tomorrow morning my time, so that all time zones have a shot!

Tipping? Yes, please! There are readings to be won at various incentive levels, and all donors get a second card. People advertising my read in at least two places can also get a second free card!

Examples: Here is last month's draw!

oracle, free, divination

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