Leap Year Tarot Card Draw

Feb 29, 2012 17:19

I'm sorry I'm late! I had planned on doing a one card draw all day today, 29 February, 2012. However, a death in the family and a minor house fire delayed things somewhat. I'm here now though!

In celebration of Leap Year, my one-card draw is going to be a two-card draw. This calendar date will not reappear for another four years, so I am drawing two cards; what to expect in the next month, and what the hidden energies are for the next four years. It would be interesting to see what the 'theme' card for the next four years is, and how it affects the card that is being drawn for the next month. The plan is that when I next do one card readings, I can look at how your theme card is affecting the card I draw for that particular reading, how it colors what is being presented, if that makes sense.

I can't stay glued to my desk throughout the entire evening, but I will check back often, and everyone who leaves a comment will get read, even if it means I'm still working on them tomorrow.

I think I'm going to use the Tarot of the Cloisters for the monthly card, and the Fairy Tale Tarot for the four year theme card. What better way to remember the theme of the leap year than with a fairy tale?! I do reserve the right to change my mind, though, as I still like that Science Tarot Deck...

Feel free to pimp me out to your friends; any and all are welcome. "Tips" via PayPal are very welcome, but the readings are open to everyone and the free are offered absolutely and totally free, no strings attached. It is my way of 'paying it forward' in my Earthwalk.

If you want me to reply by private message, just mention that (but ensure you have your filter set so that I'm able so to do).
You can post your results to your own journal, although I'd be grateful if you linked the posting back to me in some way.  And if you liked what was conveyed, feel free to friend me. I like to share what I do. A lot!

If you would like a more in-depth reading, I do offer several and they are summarized elsewhere on my journal.

Now for the legal stuff. While I take my work seriously (I'm an ATA member a TCBA certified professional reader, and I actually do this for a living, reading for an international company and writing classes to teach at an online school) I am not a substitute for medical, financial, or legal advice. What I tell you is not carved in stone; we all have free will to make our own decisions. Federal law states that I have to tell you that this is for entertainment purposes only.

Let the magick begin!
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