Aug 17, 2008 21:35
You can get mad at me, I wont bother you about it again. I have tried hard to keep us together, my new family. It will never happen the mirrors cracked we are shattering. I will be like I was before, the one forgottena dn tossd aside. I an ahndle this I wont break so easy this time. BuBefore I bwo out of this show let me go on and speak a few thinsg on my mind.
Konata Izumi's child IS mine, Sora can't remember fucking her. I doubt she could forget Nike doing that so unless there another party I am that child's father. I know we all see things differently so let me just explain this. I KNEW Konata was like that when I met her, she took em home before she knew anything about me. We slept in the same bed less then 4 hours after she met. I love her but I knew what kind of woman she was from day one. The fact shes probally ahd more cock in her then a KFC doesnt bother know what i shoudlnt be trash talking the woman I'm going to end up marrying.
I will not take anyones last name either Konata, my last name is symoloic goddamnit. I feel like Icarus, my wax wings are melting... The pain is going to be beautiful...I need to get anotehr note book ready I feel some good lyrics coming on.
In short, I can never hate any of you. You may hate me tell me to vanish I will. I will never change my mind about things I will never hate any of you. I miss my mother.
Everyone be angry everyone hurt...everyone do what the fuck you want. This musician is checking out.