you can't keep my brother, and you won't fuck my friends, pt. 1

Sep 14, 2007 16:34


So I have something I need to get off my chest NOW.  Because when anger sits inside you and festers it's just not good for anyone.

So I'm reading the local newspaper (Fairfield Echo) this afternoon, and who should I come across, but my FAVORITE Fairfield resident, Mr. Arnold Engel.  For those of you who don't live here, or didn't go to FHS, he's a member of the school board and some ridiculous group called CARE that keep trying to make themselves look good but anyone of us with some ounce of common sense know what their real agenda is.  So basically, a few years back we faced a crisis of needing a levy voted on, or else they would cut funding, resulting in teacher's getting less salary, our extra-curricular activities being cut, yadda yadda yadda.  Now I could go on about the shit he's pulled with us in the past, like literally trying to egg us on into going off on him while he was filming our school's band practice in the parking lot so he could show video proof of the students taking a stand against him.  Then about a week ago I hear he's trying to sue a former student simply because she wrote a letter to the editor disagreeing with him.  We'll come back to this in a bit. But when I read the letter he wrote in today's edition, and the people agreeing with him (makes me want to fucking VOMIT) and then thankfully, someone with good sense to call him out on his shit (careful, he might be the next one getting sued!!), I had to vent.

Look, a good deal of us know that the money we're giving to the school isn't being spent in the ways that it should (you can most likely thank the superintendent for that, as the rumors are that he used a good deal of it for himself. Not a fact, just a rumor, but I wouldn't be surprised).  Now obviously I don't agree with that.  And I wouldn't support a school levy that was asking for more money if he was simply squandering it all on himself and useless things instead of where it was really needed.  However, I'm getting so sick of hearing about other schools now going through the same thing--unless their levy passes, they have to cut acitivities or go by the pay-to-play method, where you would have to pay absurd amounts of money just to play a sport or belong to a club. Now this was the system we had at first--can you believe that we had to pay $200 some dollars just to belong to the fucking art club!?!  Even Helen Keller can see something wrong with that.  Now thankfully when our levy passed, our money was refunded, but still. FUCKING INSANE.  And THEN, when that whole mess was going on, people were saying that our teachers didn't deserve to be paid any more than they were making.  Hell, they don't make as much as they deserve in the first place, and you wanted to reduce that even further? WTF!?!   They claimed that the teachers weren't really doing their job and some of the students were apparently ratting out certain things teachers did in the classroom.  Bullshit, utter bullshit.

So anyway, getting to now.  It is absolutely ridiculous that this man would sue a former student simply because her views are not shared by Mr. Engel.  God forbid we have an opinion, I mean we're ONLY students who actually go there and live with everything there, and he's only a guy who goes by what other people tell him.  God forbid we actually speak our minds! Fine, perhaps we should all just let him make all the decisions for us, because clearly the city and the school system would be better off if he was responsible for all the decisions.  Perhaps we should just make Fairfield a fucking dictatorship and we will all worship him and bow before him and kiss his feet.

Now that I've said that, there could be consequences. I could fucking care less. I really could. If he or anyone who knows him reads this, I'm sure he'll be inclined to write yet another letter to the paper denouncing the students and former students, since we are products of the school system.  So you say Mr. Engel that you are NOT a student hating group? So that explains why you will sue anyone who dares to voice an opinion opposed to yours, and why you came to our school's band practice one afternoon, videotaped the practice, and when the students were walking back up into the parking lot and they decided to yell at you, and you most likely showed this video to all of your cronies (deny it all you want, that's all you and your people are) so you could show what horrible and rebellious students we are.  Oh, and it's also why you called our 2004 class president a "political terrorist" (yes those were your exact words). Can you imagine calling a mere high school student a political terrorist? I'd think about the real political terrorists in this world before going around placing that false label on a high school student.

You are a JOKE, Mr. Engel.  I feel sorry for your son that he has to live with all this criticism against you, I understand it must be hard and I feel for him having to put up with all that undue stress. Pity that all the criticism's true.  And I noticed on that oh so lovely Facebook group we used to have dedicated to you that he so valiantly tried to defend you. Congrats on brainwashing him along with part of the rest of the city and the school board.

I guess I better be careful.  I might get sued now! Oh the horrors.  But in the very unlikely event that it happens, just know that I have no remorse for what I've written, and make no apologies, and will make no apologies, for I have the guts to stand for what I believe to be right and true.  And unlike SOME people, I won't go around throwing lawsuits at anyone who disagrees with this.
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