Oct 04, 2004 22:39
Today was a super lousy day for me. My body is fine. no damage...wasn't even there until afterwards when Kenny called me and asked me for information.Some stupid f^&*^$#^&(^#@(#@@!%$& was driving along not minding anything..not even the red light she went through. She didn't notice the GODDAMM RED LIGHT until she hit my beautiful car head on....Thank you you stupid cunt. Thank you for not paying attention.Thank you for noticing that the RED LIGHT said every one stop except dumbasses.
Those people at work "Eh don't worry cars can be replaced." If that lady isn't charged by the police..nope my car can't be replaced. My insurance said so.Thanks to that asshole...will I be walking this winter¿ Probably.My car is totaled so is the other car she hit.
I have to say thank you to Ken. He was there for me bawling my eyes out even though he was the one hit. He barged his way into the pound to get my stereo my wonderful children got me and my cb simply because he knew how much they meant to me.He came and handled all the calling and insurance people while I sat there looking stupid and he didn't say one bad word.He stayed with me tonight until 1030 even though he desperatly wanted a hot bath cuz he's sore. For that I thank him.