Back in Spokompton...

Nov 25, 2008 08:17

I drove back eastward with K on Saturday and am spending the week in Spokane, determining whether or not the old saying is true, "You can't ever go home again."
The place in Deep Creek still feels like home. It's warm and comfortable and everyone welcomed me like family. P and K continue to amaze me with the warmth and hospitality and love they show to people. They are that rare and wonderful sort of people that will welcome you into their home, anytime and make sure you know that their home is your home and really mean it.  I have relied on the kindness of others for so long and been welcomed into many homes, like theirs, and I hope that I can follow their example in displaying that sort of hospitality. I mean it when I tell you all that you're welcome to stay with me if you're in Olympia. 
In the meantime, if I haven't called you yet, and you're in Spokane, I probably will call you. Or send me an e-mail. I want to see people while I'm here.
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