Ball of hate on a hot couch

Jun 11, 2012 20:38

I'm in a grouchy mood today. Probably because it's too hot in the house and I'm too lazy to go upstairs where there's air conditioning because then I'd have to wrangle the dog up there with me and ugh, the thought of trying to get him to do anything right now...

So I'm having my students do presentations throughout the spring semester about various forms of new media. We've heard about Pinterest, the XBox and why it's not just a gaming system, all kinds of things, and I realized today that maybe these aren't such a good idea because one student gave her presentation about e-readers like the Nook. I sat there, nodding and making notes and then thought, "Wow, I totally want one of these." I'm subjecting myself to advertising, and I'm falling for it.

And on the heels of that, "WTF, moron, you don't even read books!"

And that's a shame, because I really like reading, but I'm just so picky about books. I don't want to invest a bunch of time into a story I hate, and c'mon, you know me. I hate a LOT of stuff. Current list of hates: people I really don't know asking me and my husband questions about our sex lives (look, harlot, we aren't friends, we never will be, and asking about BJs isn't appropriate dinner table conversation), people who are all into divorce and celebrating divorce and reveling in it (something about it seems disrespectful to married people, and right now, I am goddamn SURROUNDED by divorce, and I know, sometimes people are in bad situations, but having Trash The Dress divorce parties makes me feel like... I don't know, I'm getting too mad thinking about it to think about it anymore), my period which comes and goes like the tide... Too much hate. I forget, now. What was I talking about?

In addition to working two days a week for four and a half hours (yes, that is for real my spring work schedule and I wear flip-flops, too, so if anyone ever asks you if going into higher education is a good idea or if you've ever thought about it, the answer is a huge, echoing YES), I have started seeing a new therapist. I have no idea how many I'm up to, but this guy, this guy is the real deal. He's got a cognitive behavioral therapy approach, and I love it. I get homework. I get advice. I get to try out little experiments in my efforts to become more assertive and more comfortable sharing my emotions with people.

And just last week, because I remembered to tell him that no, he hadn't straightened the rug underneath his chair to my satisfaction, I didn't have to pay for that week's appointment. "That was our deal," he reminded me as he shook my hand. "If I didn't fix the rug to your satisfaction, I wouldn't charge you."

My husband says he's going to sneak in every Thursday afternoon before I have my appointment and fuck up the rug. This is why I love my husband.

And one more thing--the two line review for Dark Shadows: I told my mom I was expecting a funny dark sort of movie and instead got retarded campy drama starring Edward Scissorhands and Michelle Pfeiffer's collagen. She told me that sounded exactly like the TV show (minus Edward Scissorhands and the collagen).

a day in my life, two line review, rhetoric

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