I'm not sure if it's the leftovers of yesterday's migraine, the fact that my bathroom is small and
Kaboom is a potent product, or if cleaning soap scum and ring-around-the-tub grosses me out just that much, but I've been gagging for the last half an hour.
But I'm not about to quit, because I want my bathroom clean. And when I clean a room, I go nuts. I'm one of those freakshows that goes so far as to even remove everything from shelves, cabinets, etc., and scrub those out too. It's part obsessive-compulsiveness, but mostly heeding the advice of my allergist who told me to keep the dust levels in my house minimal. Aside from keeping your home really clean, you also keep from collecting a bunch of useless shit. "Why am I still keeping this ten-year-old bottle of Sunflowers with a millimeter of perfume left?"
Meanwhile, my mother comes upstairs to ask for this shelf paper I promised her and walks in on me cleaning. Picture this scene:
Me, cleaning my bathroom which, as my long-time readers already know, means I am not wearing clothes. (Why? Because I don't want to get harsh bathroom cleanser on my clothes, I get warm when I scrub, and it's easiest to strip down, clean, and then hop in a nice clean shower.)
But not only does my mother walk in on me, not wearing clothes, scrubbing the sink. She walks in on me, not wearing clothes, scrubbing the sink, gagging and dry-heaving over it, and yet stopping every so often to remark, to myself, on the amazing cleaning power of Kaboom. "Wow, this stuff -- *gag* *gag* *heeeeeeave* -- really does work!"
And all she said was, "If you're nice to me, I'll do the toilet for you later."